4 Malware Mistakes You Need to Avoid


Malware is a quick way to spoil all of your company’s hard work. Your business could be racking up the sales, building up its brand reputation, and generating large profits. Yet all it takes is for malware to be installed to potentially see your sales dry up, your reputation end in tatters, and for your finances to be left in ruins.

It sounds dramatic, but this could be the feasible end result.

Due to the damage it can cause, it is essential you protect your organisation as well as possible from malware. To do that effectively, you must avoid the following four mistakes.

Mistake #1: Not installing reputable antivirus software

It should go without saying, but your business needs to be protected by a reputable and robust antivirus software system. It should already be part of your security strategy. If not, you are essentially leaving the door open for attackers to walk through and gain access to your data.

While using antivirus software is a given, it’s not just a case of using any old package you find. You need one that is packed with powerful features that will identify and eradicate all malware your business comes across.

Mistake #2: Failing to learn about different malware attacks

You may believe that malware is a general form of attack. However, it is simply an umbrella term that refers to numerous types of malicious programs. It includes threats such as:

  • Ransomware
  • Keyloggers
  • Banking trojans
  • Backdoors
  • Stealers
  • Downloaders
  • RAT

To stay protected against malware, you have to be aware of all these threats. Knowledge is a powerful weapon when staying protected against cybercriminals. For more information about different malware types, click here for an in-depth guide by Proofpoint.

Mistake #3: Not keeping your network updated

The importance of updating your system – and any software it features – cannot be understated. This isn’t just for improvements, either. One of the biggest reasons is to keep all of your applications as secure as possible.

It can be easy to overlook completing an update when they appear. You could think, ‘I’ll just install that tomorrow.’ Then tomorrow comes and you say the same thing… again and again. However, updates are not something you should put off because they often includes security patches. If these patches are not installed, it leaves the software vulnerable to malware attacks.

Mistake #4: A lack of employee training

One of the main routes of attack used by cybercriminals is email. The reason for this is simple: they rely on human error to bypass security protocols and get their malware installed on a company’s network.

After all, it can be all too easy for an employee to click on a dodgy email, believe it is from an authentic source, and download or click on whatever is attached. All of a sudden, your system is in trouble.

To stop an issue like that from happening, it is vital you provide employee training about all things relating to malware and the deceptive tactics to watch out for.


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