Discovered the cause that led to the sudden death of Piero Sonaglia


The cause that led to the sudden death of Piero Sonaglia, the famous studio assistant of Canale 5, has been discovered

In the latter, many hypotheses have been published on the sudden disappearance of Piero Sonagliathe celebrated study assistant. Channel Tena television program from Ostia, told what really happened to the man, who seemed to be fine.CREDIT: MEDIASET

The news of his death so sudden and heartbreaking, he has upset many characters from the entertainment world. In fact, many have wanted to write gods messages on social media to say goodbye one last time.

However, Channel Ten spoke of what is success really to Piero Sonaglia. In the service they said he was with the 25-year-old sonat the football pitch near the Grassi di Ostia hospital.

He had recently moved to the city with his own new partner. On that day with the boy, she had decided to go play a game of soccer and for the duration of the game, everything seemed to be quiet.

However, just as they were on their way to the locker room to return to the houses, the unthinkable happened. The Canale Dieci reporter said that suddenly there was slumped and despite the timely intervention of the doctors in the ambulance and the transport to the hospital, he was not there nothing more to do.

In the report, the doctor wrote that Piero Sonaglia is “died of a trauma heart attack. “

The investigations into the death of Piero Sonaglia and the messages of the characters of the show

The body has now been transferred to the institution of forensic medicine of the Tor Vergana hospital and will also be performed the autopsy on the body. The aim is to understand what his real health conditions were. The man left 4 children.

The first to inform everyone of his death was his friend the director Roberto Cenci. The latter on his Instagram profile posted a photo of the famous studio assistant and in the caption he wrote: “Forever with us. Hi Piero!

Since that post, many have been shocked by what happened. Consequently, Maria De Filippi, Gerry Scotti and many others also wanted to write gods messages to talk about the pain of that sudden and excruciating death.


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