15 Ideas on How to Make £1000 a Month (enough to pay your monthly bills) 


Let me tell you, friend, how to make £1000 a month using your existing skills. It would be nice to have a bit more money to spend, right?

Making £1000 a month will cover (mostly) your monthly bills and make it possible for you to pursue your dreams. You could also start living life on your terms.

Still you and I live in the real world and know that making £1000 a month, especially on top of what you already earn from your employment, is impossible.

Let’s forget the sunny beaches, the dewy mornings in the green mountains and the freedom to indulge in our passions. Let’s get back to the grind and forget our hopes for a different future.

Not so fast. There are quick ways for making enough money, £1000 a month and more, to cover your monthly bills. You don’t have to be a genius to do it; being disciplined and dedicated is enough.

To get you started, I decided to share fifteen quick ways for making £1000 a month or money enough to pay your monthly bills.

I’ve assumed that in the UK, you’d need a minimum of £1,000 to pay the bills for a month. How much you need may be different depending on location, family situation and lifestyle.

Many of the ideas on the list could make you much more than £1,000 a month – you know me, guys; I like to be conservative. Other ideas are probably a bit inappropriate and I included them because…well, just because.

Here are fifteen ideas on making up to £1,000 a month. For clarity’s sake, I’ve divided these into two groups: one consists of ideas on quick ways to make money; the other one, shares ideas on how to make money from home using media and new technology.

How to make 1000 a month quick?

Here are eight ideas on how to make £1000 a month. I’d be very disappointed if you don’t expand this list to suit your needs, gifts, skills and opportunities.

  1. Drive a taxi at night. I’ve been researching this one and talking taxi drivers. Apparently driving a taxi on Friday and Saturday night is fairly lucrative and can make on average £200 per night; and this is without the tips. Snag is that if you don’t own the car you have to give half of this to the owner.This is a quick way to make money if you already have a driver’s license and you are over 21; you can start driving for Uber fairly promptly.
  2. Buy a taxi and hire a driver. This links immediately to the previous idea; in this case you don’t have to drive the taxi. If you have some money to invest, you can buy a taxi and hire a driver. You’ll have to know the industry and have very solid connection, however.
  3. Start a cleaning business. Having a cleaning business is very different from simply cleaning one or two house in your spare time. Cleaning private house is okay but the much bigger money is in commercial cleaning: hotels, offices and hospital (though for hospitals probably one needs to meet strict criteria).
  4. Rent out a room in your house if you have it(this one won’t make the whole amount but it helps). This is one of the most quick ways to make money – you can place an advert immediately and have a lodger within a week.
  5. Write a naughty novel (or any book at least 1,000 people would like to read). This is not for everyone but if you happen to be one of the people who can do it please go for it. E. L. James (author of ’50 Shades’) is the top earning author for 2013; she made $95 million. You probably won’t be able to do this; the important point is that her success somehow made it okay to read this kind of books and the market is blooming. Of course, you’ll have to publish it as an e-book.
  6. Make and/or mend things. If you are crafty you can always start a side hustle hand making stuff. I’ve seen people selling embroidery, crochet items, knitting for people, mending clothes etc.
  7. Work in a night club. This is the one I was saying may be mildly inappropriate. During my career as university professor, though, I’ve had several students who paid for their education by working in night clubs. They always remembered that they are in it for the money; they were also very good at it, I’m told.
  8. Cater for events. There is money to be made by catering for events. To be able to do it though you’ll have to be able to cook, naturally. More importantly you’ll have to understand nutrition, to be able to create appealing menus and organise events.

How to make a quick 1000 a month working from home

  1. Build a blog. Blogs can be monetised in variety of ways. My research shows that blogs can start making some money after between six months and a year of hard work. It is not easy, it need single-mindedness, dedication and front-loading; still, once a blog start making money it can be pretty passive or fairly low input.
  2. Buy a blog. Yep, apparently (and I am about to test this one) buying a blog and monetising it can be quite profitable.
  3. Set up websites. If you have the skill, go for it. There are many people out there who need or want to start a website and have absolutely no idea how to go about it. I know people who charge £800 ($1,300) for setting up a relatively simple site – one that takes couple of working days to do.
  4. Open an e-bay shop/on-line shop. Most trade these days goes via the internet. Retail rules and salesmanship are different but the customer base is very large (if you are skilled enough to reach it). Great potential for growth.
  5. Start Forex trading. You can make enough money online with Forex trading to pay your monthly bills. Some people make considerably more. Forex trading is a bit like playing poker: Lady Fortune plays a role but winning is mainly down to skill and how you ‘play your hand’. Trading Forex is a high entry activity and you need to learn the basics first; you can do this on many trading platforms.  If you decide to try trading, please make sure you make good use of the dummy account the platforms offers to practice. Trade for real only after you’ve mastered the basics and you’ve learned to control your emotions. Good luck.
  6. Build apps. With this one the thing is to have many ideas and keep trying. I know people who make money from apps; some make much more than what they need to pay the bills for a month. There are no guarantees, though.
  7. Edit technical and professional texts. There is demand for good editors to work on PhD theses, academic journal articles and other publications. All part of the international academic game dominated by English language journals and training.


Do you still believe that making £1000 a month is not possible?

I hope that now you now better than that. There are quick, and legitimate, ways to make to make £1000 a month – you already have the skills, you just need grit.

Money is earned and you can make as much as anybody

Each of the ways to make £1,000 a month is realistic and can work for you within a month or two (some ideas may take a bit longer to implement).


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