Start Taking Care of Your Skin Now


If you don’t have a dermatologist, it’s a good idea to get one. Even if you don’t think there’s anything wrong with your skin (and you might be correct), your skin is the largest organ on your body. So, it should be taken care of in the same way we take care of our other organs; by getting check-ups.

Throughout the day, you shed skin cells. When you have a good skincare routine, you are helping ensure that your skin looks and feels its best. An effective routine will help keep acne and wrinkles at bay, and overall help you glow more. 

How to Care for Your Skin

If you haven’t been to a dermatologist recently, it’s a good idea to book an appointment. Just because something doesn’t seem serious or life-threatening doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get it checked out. Dermatologists treat thousands of skin conditions and having fresh-feeling skin will give you a fresh sense of confidence.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to care for your skin while you wait to receive advice from a professional. First, understand what skin type you have. If your skin burns after putting products on it, you may have sensitive skin. If your skin is flaky and rough, it’s dry. If it feels greasy and shiny, you have oily skin. A combination of both means you have combination skin. 

Tips for Healthy Skin

There are a few basic things to know and remember about skincare. First, you should be applying sunscreen every day. Yes, even if you aren’t going to tan by the pool. Sunscreen protects your skin from aging, skin cancer, wrinkles, and spotting. Try adding a sunscreen-based moisturizer to your skincare routine. 

As far as skincare routines go, less is more. With the rise of influencer culture and seeing people have dozens of products in their cabinet, you may have been led to think that you need a fifteen-step skincare routine. This is far from the truth. 

Using too many products on your skin, especially anti-aging products, can actually do the opposite, and further irritate your skin. If you’ve found products that work well for you, stick with those. It’s best to have a simple routine of cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen.

Any dermatologist will tell you to stay out of tanning beds. And for good reason, just one session in a tanning bed can increase your risk of developing melanoma by 20%, and this number is even higher for other types of skin cancer.  If you want a glowing, sun-kissed look, keep your skin safe and use a self-tanner instead. 

You also should not be touching your face. This isn’t new information, but a good reminder. When you touch your face, you’re putting all the bacteria from your hands onto the delicate skin of your face. This can cause irritation and, if you pick your skin, scarring. Last but not least, check your skin regularly for new or changing growths or moles.

Why Should I See a Dermatologist?

Going to a dermatologist might not seem like a priority for you, but it should be. Dermatologists are trained to treat over 3,000 skin conditions, and finally getting rid of that stubborn wart can give you a newfound confidence. 

Some common issues that a dermatologist can treat are skin lesions, acne, warts, psoriasis, liposuction, skin injections, hair removal, rosacea, and vitiligo. Dermatologists can also help you with any nail problems or hair loss.

Common Dermatology Practices

If you have stubborn acne or flaky patches of skin, a dermatologist might prescribe topical creams and medication to ease the symptoms. Dermatologists can also take skin biopsies, inject Botox, give your skin a chemical peel to reveal a fresh layer of skin, reduce scar tissue, and more.

Any sort of skin problem, whether it be discoloration, rough patches, or redness, is means to see a dermatologist. We all know the signs of skin cancer, but that shouldn’t be the only time you feel the need to get your skin looked at. When your skin feels better, you feel better. 

Final Thought

Our skin is the largest organ on our body, and we should be treating it as such. There are a few important things you should already do for your skin, such as refraining from touching and picking at it, wearing sunscreen, and avoiding tanning beds. But the best thing you can do for your skin may be to see a dermatologist at the Dermatology Clinic London and get professional help with any sort of skin problem to help you feel like yourself again


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