The top digital marketing trends to keep an eye on in 2021


Consumer interests and behaviours can be difficult to predict in our rapidly changing world. Technology moves and adapts at an alarming rate, and if your business or organisation has any business keeping its head above water during these unprecedented times then you must keep on trend with the latest and greatest changes to our digital landscape.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed then you might want to contact a specialist digital marketing agency, but if you’re not quite ready to do so yet then read on as we discuss the top digital marketing trends of 2021 (so far).

The top 5 digital marketing trends

The past 12 months have been a stressful, rapidly changing time, to say the least. It’s been more than a year since we were first hit with the headlines; broadcast across our television screens, newsfeeds, and newspapers were the stories of a new virus emerging out of Wuhan in China, and even after months of rolling lockdowns, mandatory masks, social distancing, and talk of vaccine passports, many of us are still reeling from the impact of the pandemic.

Since Covid-19 first began to dominate international headlines, the digital landscape has evolved and changed at an unprecedented pace, as well as the needs and behaviours of our clients and customers. In these uncertain times, it’s never been more important to keep up to date with the ever-changing fads and trends in the digital marketing sector.


In today’s digital landscape, it’s of the utmost importance that brands communicate their company values. A recent study into consumer behaviours found today’s customers are expecting brands to step up to the play with a whopping 80% of those surveyed stating the brand itself is just as important as the products and services you offer.

With ethical consumerism a trending topic, more and more people are expecting organisations and businesses to demonstrate empathy through cruelty-free, environmentally friendly manufacturing and practices that pay workers a living wage. Perhaps most pertinent, a recent report by 5W found that 83% of surveyed Millennials, otherwise known as Generation Y, choose to buy from brands that have the same values as themselves.

eCommerce is here to stay

Between January 2020 and January, the amount being spent online here in the UK increased by a whopping 15.7%. E-commerce web designers can’t replicate the feeling of being in a physical place (yet) so for now, brick and mortar locations aren’t going anywhere. However, if brick and mortar sites are intending on keeping up with the morphing digital landscape then adopting an online persona in the form of an e-commerce store and content-rich social media presence is an absolute necessity.

With lockdown restrictions expected to continue for many more months and younger generations demanding more in terms of multi-faceted sales points, it’s never been more important for service providers and retailers alike to go digital. Not only is the expansion likely to see an increase in reach (and with that reach, profits), but establishing an online presence is a more resilient form of infrastructure in the face of rolling lockdowns and other factors that can be a detriment to brick and mortar locations.

Consumers insights

Without intending to, our consumers are telling brands exactly what they want and need through onsite behaviour and search queries. You only need to glance at Google Trends to see Kim Kardashian is a far more popular search trend than Taylor Swift, and that the enduring culture of UK football.

If your brand isn’t tuning into real-time personalisations and insights then you’re missing out on a colossal opportunity to connect and engage with your community. If you’re stuck then consider talking to a digital marketing agency about listening to your audience and analysing their behaviour online.

A.I technology

A.I technology, or artificial intelligence, has officially made its way into SEO and digital marketing processes and practices. Empowering our machines to learn and take action in real-time means our clients and customers are receiving a service that is personalised and fully automated to take advantage of when they are most receptive.

Quality and quantity

It’s all about the content these days. If you want to get to the top of search engines, then expertise, authority, and trust should be the focal points of every piece of content and copy you’re churning out. While quality should not be omitted for the sake of quantity, publishing quality content at least a few times a month is absolutely essential.

Putting your heart and soul into one amazing piece of content may feel good, but publishing only once every few weeks means you’ll be missing out on opportunities to appear in search and social, as well as email and other channels your more productive competitors will be jumping on.

Staying afloat

Trends in digital marketing give us an idea of where the digital landscape is heading, and how it will morph and change in the future. If the last year is anything to go by, organisations and businesses should be working on becoming more agile as we morph into an age where anything is possible.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed as our digital landscape morphs and evolves then you’re not alone. Consider talking to a digital marketing agency to stay afloat about the latest and great digital marketing trends, and how your organisation can weather the next storm – whenever and wherever that may be.


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